Op Ed

National Review: Xi Jinping’s Deceptive Embrace of Business

With China struggling economically, the CCP has taken a supposedly pro-business turn. Don’t buy it. By: Jianli Yang & Evan Osborne - Aug 08, 2023 In recent weeks, Xi Jinping has authorized a campaign to restore the confidence of both domestic and foreign investors...

The Hill: Don’t tune out America’s national security infrastructure

By: Jianli Yang - Jul 31, 2023 This year, Congress has generated significant media headlines for minimizing the troves of data Big Tech collects on the American people. It’s even considering banning Chinese apps, such as TikTok, that risk empowering the Chinese...

The Hill: Don’t tune out America’s national security infrastructure

By: Jianli Yang - Jul 31, 2023 This year, Congress has generated significant media headlines for minimizing the troves of data Big Tech collects on the American people. It’s even considering banning Chinese apps, such as TikTok, that risk empowering the Chinese...

Politico: Italy’s decision on China’s Belt and Road Initiative and beyond

BY JIANLI YANG AND ANDRÉ GATTOLIN - Jul 18, 2023 During Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Italy in March 2019, the two countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding on China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). And with this memorandum, Italy became the only G7...