The Coalition urges all who believe in freedom to stand with Taiwan: ”A threat to one democracy is a threat to all...
Global Efforts
OAS Designates Worldwide Renowned Human Rights Lawyer and CPIFC’s Legal Counsel Jared Genser as Special Adviser on the Responsibility to Protect
Dear Friends, I'm honored and humbled to have been appointed by OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro to the...
UN Watch: Remarks of Yang Jianli at UN Watch Press Conference
Speaking at UN Watch’s press conference today concerning next week’s elections to the 47-nation U.N. Human...
It is time for a human rights “NATO”
Jianli YangPrague, Oct. 15, 2019 (Opening Remarks at Forum 2000 Panel: “China: Human Rights in the 21st Century...
Dr. Yang Jianli’s Remarks at the #929GlobalAntiChinazi Rally
Dear Friends, Good afternoon.Thank you for coming this rally on this hot Sunday afternoon. Since the launch of the...
Statement on Russia Today’s smearing of the scheduled “Human-Chain Rally at the Chinese Embassy”
On September 9th, Citizen Power Initiatives for China (CPIFC) and other 19 NGOs in United States proposed a...
Xi’s Hong Kong Options — and Ours
This article is published on The American Interest by Dr. Yang Jianli and Mr. Aaron Rhode. Here is an excerpt from the...
Register to Attend the Oslo Freedom Forum in Taiwan: September 13, 2019
Learn more and register to attend here. 了解更多及登記參加請點此。 North Korea's highest-ranking defector. Hong Kong's...
Dr. YANG Jianli Honored with Order of Merit of Human Solidarity
On June 18, The Assembly of the Cuban Resistance in Representation of the Captive Cuban people, which is convening...
To Make America Great Again: Lincoln and Reagan Standing as Shining Examples for President Trump and American People to Follow
Speech at Skagit County Republican Lincoln/Reagan DinnerSkagit, State of Washington, USA By: Dr. Yang Jianli Good...
Presentation Speech of Courage Award to Dhondup Wangchen – Geneva Summit 2019
By: Yang Jianli It has been an honor to be a part of the Geneva Summit over the past decade. Our annual assembly is a...
Talk at Tibetan Youth Summit, American University
By: Yang Jianli Thank you for inviting me to speak to you. I feel privileged to be with you on this occasion. This...