Washington, DC, USA

We, advocates for freedom and human rights for people of China and the rest of  the world, stand in solidarity with those fighting for the restoration of democracy in Venezuela.
We support unequivocally the recognition of Juan Guaido as the country’s legitimate interim President by the countries of Latin America, as well as the US, Canada, France, Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
We call upon the illegitimate Maduro regime to cease its use of violence against peaceful demonstrators, step down from the eroding power to which it clings, and allow for democratic elections to take place.
We support the creation of an international democratic coalition that will protect the people of Venezuela and their legitimate government from those who would deny them their sovereignty, including the regime in Cuba; the Russian mercenaries who have repressed the Ukrainian and Syrian populations; the terrorist Colombian guerrillas ELN and FARC; Hezbollah and other paramilitaries funded by Iran; and China’s Communist Party (CCP) regime.
We denounce the CCP’s longstanding support for the Maduro and Chavez regimes.  The money they have provided these dictators belongs to the Chinese people. Whatever is left of it should be redirected to projects advancing human rights and democracy in China.
The Chinese democracy movement is greatly encouraged by the progress made by the heroic Venezuelan opposition, which has inspired it to step up its own push for freedom and democracy at home.