
Jianli Yang: The Flame of Hope Can Never Be Extinguished

Speech at the Candlelight Vigil Organized by Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation to Commemorate the 34th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre June 2, 2023 Dear Friends, As we gather tonight, the flickering candlelight casting a gentle glow upon our somber faces,...

POLITICO: The Tiananmen massacre and China’s pragmatist soft power

Thirty-four years ago, China’s Communist government ordered the army to fire on protestors at Tiananmen Square, killing hundreds, if not thousands. By: Jianli Yang - Jun 2, 2023 Jianli Yang, a Tiananmen massacre survivor and former political prisoner of China, is the...

Newsweek: Finding the Tank Man in Ourselves on the Anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre

By Jianli Yang - Jun 2, 2023 I don't like tanks. They have been continually rumbling in my mind and heart since the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre 34 years ago. We will commemorate the anniversary Sunday. In the spring of 1989, many tens of thousands of Chinese...

City Journal: Let the Statue Stand

San Francisco shouldn’t let Beijing dictate how or where it memorializes the June 4, 1989, Tiananmen Square massacre. By Jianli Yang, Fengsuo Zhou, Fang Zheng - Jun 1, 2023 On May 30, 1989, pro-democracy protesters in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square erected a large statue,...