Women and human rights will not a priority

By: Jianli Yang – September 6, 2021

The Chinese government seems to have defined terms and conditions to the Taliban for Beijing’s support in forming a new government in Afghanistan. Issues like human rights and women’s rights are not on China’s priority list. Even as Taliban fighters face resistance in the Panjshir Valley from the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, China is believed to have already communicated its expectations to the new Afghan government. On Sunday, August 23, the Taliban announced that it would soon form a new government in Afghanistan, one week after seizing control of the state capital Kabul.

China, which has been closely watching unfolding developments in Afghanistan, has made it clear to the Taliban that the protection of China’s national interests must remain paramount. China’s own interests must be the starting point for Beijing’s review of the ever-changing situation in Afghanistan. China has no interest in reforming Afghanistan, nor does it have the strength to do so.

Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for women cannot be primary conditions for developing relations with the new regime in Afghanistan. On August 23, the same day the Taliban announced that it would soon form a new government, the CCP’s mouthpiece the Global Times, reported in an op-ed that it would be… [Continue Reading]

Source: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/sep/6/chinas-expectations-from-a-new-afghan-government/