We are shocked by the Chinese Supreme People’s Court approval of the death penalty for Mr. Xia Junfeng, and are outraged at his rush execution on September 25. Mr. Xia’s conviction and execution are a grave injustice that shows the Communist regimes total disregard for the rights of Chinese citizens.

Xia Junfeng, a street vendor from Shenyang City in Liaoning Province, struggled to earn enough money to take care of his elderly parents and raise his own family. On May 16, 2009, Mr. Xia and his wife Zhang Jing were selling kebab on the street when he was illegally arrested by the local urban management officers. The officers senselessly beat him up on the street and in their office. To defend himself, Xia Junfeng grabbed a fruit knife to fend off his attackers, and in the process fatally stabbed the two officers who were physically beating him. In what should have been a clear case of self-defense, Mr. Xia was instead convicted of murder and executed simply because he was a powerless citizen who dared to defend himself. This is yet another example of the corruption of China’s judicial system.

China has been polarized into two societies: one type of life for the power elite and another type of life for the powerless, now called “shitizens.” The power elite has been oppressing and exploiting the “shitizens” beyond the breaking point. China’s judicial system now only serves to protect the interests of the power elite, resulting in a terrible double standard for those who are unfortunate enough to be caught in China’s judicial system. The ordinary citizens’ security, safety and life are totally disregarded. China has regressed into the biggest mafia society in the world.

The tragedy of Xia Junfeng once again shows that under the rule of the Communist dictatorship, China is a nation where human rights are not respected and continue to deteriorate. Such a country is not qualified to take a seat at the table of the UN Human Rights Council. We must voice our serious concerns about China. We urge everyone to participate in our signature campaign against China’s renewal of its membership on the UN Human Rights Council. Each signature is like a torch that shines a light on dark repression in China.

Online Petition: http://tinyurl.com/o2cvwzy

October 1 of this year mark the 64th anniversary of the Communist Party’s control of China and it will also mark the “seventh day” memorial rites for Xia Junfeng. We hope each of the national flags will be raised for Mr. Xia, and Citizen Power for China urges every citizen who treasures life to widely spread the following logo.

The tragedy of Xia Junfeng’s execution shows us that only when the Chinese citizens join forces and gather online as well as on the ground, can we change the current situation in China.  Only by taking united and sustained action can we transform China into a constitutional democracy in which rule of law governs, human rights are respected and individual life is treasured.