Kancelář Václava Havla 

Voršilská 10

110 00 Praha 1

Attn:  Ms. Sabina Tancevona, Mr. Oldrich Cerny, Mr. Jan Urban, Mr. Jakub Klepal, Ms.Elena Germanova

Dearest Ms. Sabina Tancevona,

Please allow me to extend my condolences on the passing of our beloved leader Vaclav Havel.  I have just returned from the Forum 2000 in Prague, where Mr. Havel conveyed written greetings and a statement to all of us at the Forum from his home.  Sadly, I heard the news of his death just this morning.  What a loss for the world on this day – yet we cannot mourn too heavily, for his life was a gift to all of us in its richness and accomplishments.  To many, he was a national hero and global advocate extraordinaire for human rights and civil liberties.  To you he was all those things as well as a beloved friend and mentor.  He has been an inspiration to so many, and he will continue to inspire future generations of writers, thinkers, politicians, activists, and all who believe in the rights of every citizen to dignity, self-esteem, and the fundamental freedoms upon which principled societies and governments are based.

My prayers and thoughts are with President Havel’s family during this blessed Christmas season.

Yours Sincerely,

Yang Jianli, Ph.D.

President and Founder, Initiatives for China

Fellow, Harvard University