Editor’s note: what follows is another in a series of remembrances by a participant in the events leading up to the...
Op Ed
The Things I Saw in April – June, 1989 – Part 3
By Zhou Duo This June 4 marks the 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Massacre. CPIFC has specially translated into English...
The Things I Saw in April – June, 1989 – Part 2
This June 4 marks the 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Massacre. CPIC has specially translated into English a series of...
EU Political Report: A Challenge to Xi Jinping’s Future
The Chinese People May No Longer Be Fooled by “Freedom in Exchange for Prosperity” write Yan Yu and Jianli Yang. By:...
The Diplomat: China’s Response to the Israel-Hamas Conflict Reflects Its Longstanding Support for Palestine
Israeli diplomats may have assumed that years of providing China with advanced technology would change Beijing’s...
Yibao.net: Spotlight on China’s Bid for UN Human Rights Council: Calls for Reform and Transparency
By: Jianli Yang - Oct 9, 2023 On October 10, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) will elect 15 new member...
The Diplomat: The Cambodian Regime Is a Key Element in China’s Regional Expansion Strategy
As Cambodia fully embraces the “China model,” the country’s role in the geopolitical competition between the United...
The Diplomat: Xi Jinping’s Diplomacy Is Shifting from Offense to Defense
In the face of strong diplomatic headwinds, Xi seems to be deciding his time is better spent focused on shoring up...
Washington Times: The global north must prioritize India over China as the leader of the global south
By Jianli Yang and Sean Woo - Sep 11, 2023 Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam — a Sanskrit phrase found in Hindu texts that can be...
Politico: China’s international students and a tale of two fears
Concerned about facing discrimination abroad and being persecuted in their home country, Chinese students are...
WashTimes: What was ignored at the Trilateral Summit at Camp David
Human rights and democracy largely unaddressed By: Jianli Yang & Sean Woo Aug 29, 2023 In a historic move,...
Washington Times: India’s strategic positioning in Taiwan-China conflict
By: Jianli Yang, Aug 21, 2023 In the realm of international security, the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, or the...